How to remember the Centre in your will
There area many ways to design a gift which honors your philanthropic intentions, and achieves you financial and tax planning goals. A popular and simple way is a residual bequest. This refers to a specific amount, a percentage of your total estate, or a share of the residue after gifts to your heirs.
Gifts of Retirement Plans - Name the ACR as a beneficary of your pension, 401K, IRA or other plan. This could be the most cost effective donation you can make, avoiding possible double taxation on your retirement plan assets.
Gifts of Securites - If you wish to contribute appreciated securities that you have held for one year or more, there are potential capital gains benefits.
Gifts of Life Insurance - You can name the ACR as owner and beneficiary, or parital beneficiary of your policy.
Usually something as simple as the following sentence is adequate for the American Friends of The Anglican Centre in Rome to recieve your bequest:
"I give (dollar amout, percentage of estate, or description of security) to the American Friends of The Anglican Centre in Rome to be used exclusively in support of the Anglican Centre in Rome"
Some planned giving bequests are from high net worth individuals, but most are from people who want to support the Anglican Centre in Rome in whatever way they are able. We are under the auspices of The Episcopal Church and our tax ID is # 02-0472215. Slowly but surely, the Centre's work is bearing fruit and its future needs to be ensured.
Gifts of Retirement Plans - Name the ACR as a beneficary of your pension, 401K, IRA or other plan. This could be the most cost effective donation you can make, avoiding possible double taxation on your retirement plan assets.
Gifts of Securites - If you wish to contribute appreciated securities that you have held for one year or more, there are potential capital gains benefits.
Gifts of Life Insurance - You can name the ACR as owner and beneficiary, or parital beneficiary of your policy.
Usually something as simple as the following sentence is adequate for the American Friends of The Anglican Centre in Rome to recieve your bequest:
"I give (dollar amout, percentage of estate, or description of security) to the American Friends of The Anglican Centre in Rome to be used exclusively in support of the Anglican Centre in Rome"
Some planned giving bequests are from high net worth individuals, but most are from people who want to support the Anglican Centre in Rome in whatever way they are able. We are under the auspices of The Episcopal Church and our tax ID is # 02-0472215. Slowly but surely, the Centre's work is bearing fruit and its future needs to be ensured.
What some have done....

The Reverend Canon John Andrew
"I was there in March 1966 to see it happen: The Anglican Centre began. Pope Paul VI was enthusiastic. Archbishop Michael Ramsey appointed a fine priest to start it up. I'm so convinced of its value that I have made sure that my will contains my wish to help maintain it financially."